TRRC Awareness And Support Promotes Healing

Awareness, campaign and exposé are very good for Truth Reconciliation & Reparations Commission’s (TRRC). By they are best with a support system in place for victims and victimizers. If not we are setting a horrible example, it takes the victim a lot of courage to come out and share.

There are times the victimizer needs help to move on too to become a better person. If it is handled badly, we embolden them and bruise their ego.

Sometimes the pain is expressed through outburst but that does not mean they are healed, there are times it opens the wounds and mental pictures afresh.

Awareness, exposé and campaigns are good but without support system we expose their vulnerability deep seated fear to ridicule and hopelessness

Healing of memories is not games and a joke. It is a damn serious business. If we promote awareness let us be prepared to provide victims with sessions support or direct them to practitioners. Where it needs clinical support don’t attempt to coach or counsel except it is done side by side in unison.

I am sorry to say this, don’t use your popularity or celebrity status to attempt at giving professional support or sessions. Deep seated and unhealed hurt needs certain inputs and approach. This isn’t about perfection but rather professional support

Don’t use social media to seek the said practitioners support on public walls or handles. Victims and victimizers still had got certain level of dignity and humanity to protect.

Don’t use social media to solicit for opinions, it deepens the hurt or scratches the scar

Because on social media some people just comment from their head not heart

Some read with their mind not heart
Some listen with their ears not heart
Some even become victims by what they just read, the information goes to trigger unhealed memories.

Healing needs a listening and compassionate heart. It needs the space to be vulnerable and still be respected for who you are. Social media is like a mask, some victimizers uses the comments to adopt and deploy different approach. Some even pick their next victims from the lot to experience or avenge.

Hurting people has the propensity to hurt others, which then creates a cycle of hurt.

Let us be full agents of change