Dear Mayor Elect Talib Ahmed Bensouda,

Please receive my warmest congratulations on your victory in the recently concluded KM Mayoral election. It was an intense and very closely contested race. However, your triumph is a testament of faith the people of KM have entrusted in you.

While I am naturally disappointed with the outcome, I believe it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the democratic process that has taken place. Your victory reflects the will of the people, and I am of the fervent belief that you will serve as a capable and committed leader for our beloved city.

As you assume the responsibilities of the Mayoral office for the second term, I offer my full cooperation and support at any time. Our shared goal should always be the advancement and prosperity of KM and its inhabitants. It is my hope that you will govern with fairness, accountability, transparency, and a deep commitment to serving the best interests of our beloved city.

 I remain optimistic about the future and will continue to serve the community in whichever capacity I can.

I wish you every success in your second term as Mayor of KM.


Bakary Y Badjie

NPP Mayoral Candidate