The Influence of Materialism


Materialism in our world today has become a societal problem. It is one of Satan’s choicest weapons against humanity.

Very few people rich and poor are beyond the reach of materialism. Nothing is wrong with being rich, but when it becomes a priority especially in the life of a believer, it becomes a problem. You get trapped into a vicious cycle by becoming conformed to the things of the world. Money and wealth can make you famous, powerful etc. It is indeed necessary for our needs and what it can solve, but it’s greatest achievement is instant gratification and temporary pleasure. Inspite of all the material wealth and riches there is still a vacuum that cannot be filled

The love for material wealth is another ploy and lie of satan. Would you blame him, when today, the world conveys the idea that good life can be found only in money Everything revolves around money that is why corruption is in such high gear in the world today

Humans beings are woven in such a way that the more they have the more they want; and as this saying goes ‘whoever loves money never have enough and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied’.

Money, wealth, and possessions have become the ‘god’ of this world as most people like to be identified with what they own.

The devil has studied human behaviour and lifestyle, so he knows our weaknesses and uses subtle ways to corrupt the human mind and distract all attention from spiritual and Godly values.

Let’s consider the advertising world how powerful it is. Giant companies spend billions putting images of their products before the public eye, using beautiful people to promote what they are sell.

Retailers hawk their products everywhere, using market strategies to make people think they can do without what they are offering. Actually, it works most of time.

Buying souls through materialism is the goal of satan. As the saying goes, materialism cannot speak, but it knows every language for both the rich and the poor This is how material possessions corrupts the minds and cause people trust  in what they own as opposed to trusting God

Man’s main purpose on earth is to serve God, and the sooner we realise that the better. We must not forget that when God measures man, he puts the tape measure around his hearth and not around his head.