All set for Gambia Peace Concert ahead of Presidential Elections

By Bakary Ceesay

Peace concert is meant to bring Gambians in all works of life under one unify umbrella with a night of entertainment and cultural performances on 29th October, 2021 at the Independence Stadium in Bakau.

The event is organised by Mam-Diarra Production is expected to be grace by politicians and other stakeholders to using the platform in spreading the message of peace and tolerance during and after elections.

Pa Malick S Mbye, alias Mad Dragon chief executive officer of  Mam-Diarra Production explained that Gambia has faced dictatorship during the former regime, he added that Gambians experience political panic during the 2016 presidential election, as former President conceded defeat and later rejected the results

He added that : “Even with our new found democracy, our political atmosphere still remains fragile and young people are at the Centre of the situation so there’s a need for urgent messages of peace and tolerance”

“The One Gambia Peace Concert is conceived to use the power of music and entertainment in order to transmit peaceful messages to the young people and the nation at large before, during and after elections ,” he said.

The vateran artiste pointed out that the  event is not for money making but selling the concept and united the nation before election.

He urged all Gambians to join the campaign of a unity call as the nation deserve peace, love and tranquility.

He said looking at the messages in the national anthem it reads “For the Gambia our homeland, we strive and work and pray, let justice guide our actions, freedom and peace each day,’’ he sang.