ABOUT US: The Voice® Newspaper, established in 2008, was previously known as “The Inquirer” and, “The Inquirer”  came into existence in 1999 as a registered newspaper circulating thrice weekly in The Gambia. The birth of “The Inquirer” came about as a culmination of several events and at a difficult and transitional period for the people in the Country. The newspaper was established by a few brave young men and women who placed their faith in the Will of the Divine Providence because of their willingness to differ from the prevailing thoughts and fears and to sacrifice all for the love of Country and democratic principles.

The Voice is an Independent newspaper, non-political and non-religious media house rendering the service of disseminating information to the public so as to inform and broaden the horizon of civil society of the Gambia and for the people to know the events happening in and around the world.

It came into being as a result of steady interest and participation the youth show in journalism and its development in The Gambia. When some of the media houses were closed by government and some Journalist fled the country, a number of determined young people come together to established The Voice Newspaper.  The paper will provide this group of Journalists the opportunity to carry out their profession of choice and defend the fourth estate.

It was legally registered in accordance with the Newspaper and the Companies Act of The Gambia. The paper is published by The Voice Media Company Ltd. and managed by experienced journalists and seasoned reporters. Its mission is to “publish for all, in the interest all” in order to contribute to efforts being made towards promoting and defend human right and to educate and entertain the general public.


Mission – The Voice Newspaper guiding mission is to remain the most reliable news outlet in The Gambia fostering an open society through objective reporting.

Vision – For the Freedom of All We Labor Onward.



32 Sayerr Jobe Avenue Serekunda

Kanifing ,The Gambia, West Africa

Telephone: +220 7079257

Email: voicegambia@gmail.com / info@voicegambia.com

Contact: Musa S. Sheriff