Cuba and Gambia shared goals

By: Maria Ines Alvarez Garay MSc.

“The most important thing will have to be their total consecration to the most noble and humane of the trades: saving lives and preserving health. More than doctors, they will be jealous guardians of the most precious of the human being; apostles and creators of a more humane world.” Fidel Castro

Under these precepts, thousands of young people from all over the world have been trained in the Greater Antilles, with a spirit of solidarity and integration so deep that it will never be erased. Their example has raised consciences and will be followed by many more professionals who will reach their communities ready to save millions of lives and provide safe and altruistic health.

Today Cuba and the Gambia are filled with pride with two young Gambians who have just received the title of Doctors of Medicine, at the University Of Medical Sciences Of Camagüey, Cuba.

They are Doctors Habibou Jallow and Modou Lamin Boye, the first of whom finished his career with a gold degree and with the status of The Best Comprehensive Graduate.

We are aware that they will go to the sister Republic of the Gambia to provide excellent services to their countrymen with humility and dedication.

Dr. Jallow in his graduate speech emphasized, “Here we have learned many values, to be more altruistic, simpler, more humane, more caring and, most importantly, to help others regardless of the circumstances. It has also given me the possibility of fulfilling the dream of training as a doctor of science and conscience” and added, “the world deserves Love, Peace, Happiness, Equality, Freedom, Solidarity,

Justice and Independence; enough of wars, grudges and petty interests, and to conquer and maintain that stage requires courage and social conscience. And if each one of us who are graduates from 21 different countries transmitted this message, we will surely achieve a better world because without a doubt we are all the change “.

More Doctors and not Bombs, for a better and fairer world for everyone! Cuba and The Gambia in solidarity.