Lawmakers Adjourn SSHFC activity financial statement 2019 Report

By Binta Jaiteh

National Assembly select committee on public enterprises has adjourned the activity report and financial statement 2019 of the Social Security Housing and Finance Cooperation.

Honorable Halifa Sallah chairperson of the committee said the exercise should be extended; the presentation of the GPPA compliance report is not present because they cannot convey that message for them.

“Now that we have receive the activity report and financial statement of the year ended 31st December, 2019 by ending of the first phase and (we) should schedule the second phase conveniently” he said.

Honorable Sallah said, the exercise has three phases , submission, presentation, and Consideration stage where members will scrutinize the submitted documents to gather all the facts and where there is need for elucidation members will raise questions to be answered.

The committee present a fair opinion on the state of play in the institution adding that
the challenge they gave had to address the back log and now as they almost at the end.

He urged the institution to rise up and help the committee to prevent back log to put the public finance status of the country in proper manner. He said it is the most relevant thing the committee can achieve.

He said one of the key areas is the debt owed or social security and the other thing that will be important to provide is the payroll and list of employees. The constitution provides that in determining your service rules engage in some form of consultation with the public service commission that will assist to give further information.