Gambia will never be free from Ignorance and poverty If—- Halifa Sallah

By: Mariama Njie

Hon.Halifa Sallah, Secretary-General of People’s Democratic for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) said The Gambia will not be free from ignorance and poverty without a change of system.

Halifa Sallah, made this revelation on Sunday at the party’s transformative Agenda Congress held in Kairaba Beach Hotel.

He added: “we are gathered here today to remove dust from the eyes of Gambian people, they have made us believe that we are the least important in the world and those in power are the most important, without knowing power lies in the hands of you people (Gambians).”

He explained that on the 16th of January 1997 a constitution came which became the 1997 constitution and in 1965 a constitution also came being called the independent constitution, adding that “for over 52 years this country is still not free from ignorance and poverty.”

He said there are many households in The Gambia that eat meal once in a day and there are people who still cannot send their children to school because of poverty.

“PDOIS have the solutions to eradicate poverty and ignorance in this country, which is a change of system by doing everything based on the interest of the people,” he said.

He stated that awareness and organisation are the tools for system change.

“We are here for Gambians to know their rights and now it’s the time as  they said we are voiceless but we are not voiceless because power lies in the hands of the people and that should be understood by every individual”, he stressed.

He told a huge crown that a country should take care of its own people like how parents take care of their children.

He pointed out that PDOIS have to go a long journey, saying “we know as long as ignorance remains, the battle will be long.”

Addressing the people, he said wherever there is a choice, they should choose what best serve their interests, rights and fundamental values.

Meanwhile he said over the years PDOIS have made it a mission in joining coalition upon coalition all in the interest of Gambians.

“PDOIS could have accepted to be a tool but we said no, we have seen political parties going around to people for money with string attached, “he said.

He went further  to explained  that PDOIS have been fighting for so long to free its people, adding in 2016 when we saw that the nation was running through violence, knowing the impact of violence, we stood firm to make sure peace prevail.”

But today The Gambia is divided, using different language instead of coming together as one to serve the people at the best interest,

They told the crown in a loud tune: “Don’t judge the party by the number of representatives it have at the National Assembly, whether you hate us or love us we will serve you in your best interest this is my report as the Secretary General of PDOIS.”

“We believe that Gambia is rich, we can use river, we can also transform our vegetables into cans products, soap and all these will lead into industries and will create employment opportunities. This is how poverty can be eradicated.”

PDOIS want a system were students will be feed in school, those working will be refusing breakfast, transport allowance, and a society that cares for elderly people, the country is our motherland, our fatherland and it need to take care of its people that’s what PDOIS is saying,” he said.

However, he said “ As the Secretary General my report is preparing you for a mission by given you a vision and you will not leave hall today until we do what our ancestors do to liberate Africa.”