Gov’t Warns Against Advertising Traditional Medicine

By: Mariama Njie
The Gambia government has warned herbalists and media owners against advertising all forms of traditional medicine in the country.

“In consonance with this clause the ministry of Health through the Traditional Medicine program unit in collaboration with consumer consortium and Medicine control Agency are warning all media house and traditional healers to desist from malicious act of conducting Radio and Television advertisements or facilitating publicity,” the government said.

Director of health promotion Modou Njai, said “it has come to the awareness of health authorities and general public of unwarranted publicity to traditional medicines on Television and radio stations.”

According to him, the practice violates section 21 of the Medicines act 2014 of the ministry of Health which prohibits advertisement on any form of medicines and medicinal products in the Gambia.

“The consumer protection act 2014, section 12 (regulation 1) which states advertisement shall conform to the rules of decency, sincerity and shall not exploit superstition, ignorance or fear,” he said.

We are urging all affected to join the Ministry of Health in Sanitizing traditional medicine practice in the Gambia, he warned.