The Minister of Youth and Sports Hadrammeh Sidibeh yesterday told The Standard that the decision by the National Sports Council to suspend three GFF senior executive members has been revoked.
The trio, Lamin Kaba Bajo, Bakary Jammeh and Ebou Faye, were each reportedly written suspension letters by the NSC which said the move is based on the recent police findings on the tax fraud, the advice of the Attorney General’s Chambers and the recommendation of the National Assembly Select committee on Sports for it to act.
The letter also asked the trio to hand over to the first vice president Abdoulie Jallow.
There were also unconfirmed sources suggesting that the electoral process too has been stopped.
But according to the Minister, the decision to suspend the trio has been revoked.

Minister Sidibeh was also asked whether there has been any decision to stop the election process which has been marred by controversy over a mass disqualification of candidates mainly from the opposition Sillah Camp. In response, the minister said the election process will continue but what they are trying to do is that it should be opened to all.
“Everyone should have the chance to contest and there should be no disqualification,” he said.