NAM Warns Jammeh’s Followers to be Cautious

By Binta Jaiteh

Nominated member of the National Assembly Fatoumatta K Jawara has warned Jammeh’s followers to be cautious following enactment of the bill on TRRC recommendations.

The nominated member revealed this during the debate on the Special Mechanism Bill and Special Prosecutor’s Office Bill tabled by government.

Jawara was responding to the lawmaker of Foni Kansala NAM Almamy Gibba after his deliberations on the two bills.

“I didn’t want to speak today but something triggered” she said

“I am disappointed with the Foni Kansala NAM for defending something that cannot be defended, this is a bantaba and as representatives we should speak for the voiceless” she stressed.

She noted that, the government has done a great job in tabling such bills that will prosecute perpetrators who has committed heinous crimes during the Jammeh regime.

According to her, the victims of the former regime have been crying for justice and the least she expected is seeing a Member of Parliament not supporting the bill.

“Jammeh’s followers are defending him, thinking that he is innocent, he might be innocent but let the law act,” she argued.

She urged the Minister of Justice to pay serious attention to the two bills so that no stone will be left unturned.

Hon. Jawara said some victims were buried like horse without a proper burial which was very sad and they all need justice.