National Dialogue

By Bampha Jaiteh 

 In any genuine transformation of democratic dispensation, dialogue based on an open atmosphere for tangible solutions regarding the welfare and progress of the masses is a reality of utmost Concern. Demonstratively Africa has never been short of such cherishable men and women of Ancestral Norms and Values down on memory lane, as history acknowledges so vividly.

 Apparently, The Alafin King of the former Oyo Empire occasionally used to organise dialogue to map out strategies for the prospects of The Kingdom; as well as mobilisation the morale of the army, restructuring internal vigilance long before colonialism, as they claimed to have discovered Us.

Similar Kingdoms Continentally like Songhai, Manding Zulu, Monomotapa, Kikuyus, The Mau Mau, Asante, and FanteEmpires existed with civilization thriving; indicating the dynamics of Africa’s Greatness in both Arts, Architecture, Agriculture, Culture, and Commerce to name a few. In the 13th Century, Kurugang Fuga the first human rights charter ever adopted as a Policy of governance by Sundiata Keita attested to the reality of Africa being The cradle of human civilization

! However post-Colonial Africa regrettably, after the attainment of Independence from Colonial Yoke, earlier commodified through the inhuman trade of dehumanisation of our gone Ancestors, which must never, ever tend to forget! Inter-Generational wise these Social Norms of Fabrics enshrined in Moral Cohesion alongside Discipline, Sanity, Tolerance, and Social Order: The Corner Stone of Peace were fiercely apprehended as a prerequisite of Governance, long before the advent of derogatory conspiracy of Western propaganda against beloved Mother Africa in the name of discovery as they acclaimed? Understandably, and suffice it to say my point of clarity, Africa has been having a tentative system of democratic governance and civilization through the vicissitude of time immemorial.

 Topical as relevant as Proposed National Dialogue deployed on creative and substantial deliberations channeled towards the wellbeing of the citizenry is noteworthy; especially at such an ugly phase of our current political atmosphere like, hate speech, personal attacks, character assassination, hypocrisy, corruption, mother of greed, vices of immorality. Our beloved nation The Gamble in recent years has been undergoing turbulent upheavals of political immaturity, given by these trends of incompetence as a genuine democratic government engaged in pluralism and criticism, asserting the Rule of Law. 

As citizens parallel with diverse political ideologies, our collective aspirations geared toward nation-building and Development, must be a priority to every patriotic citizen, amid current invasive corruption Scandals, Coffin within Anti-Corruption Bill awaiting burial, worsening inflation, much anticipated FGM bill, notwithstanding incompetent response to curb the menace. 

“A hungry nation is an angry nation.”

 The Gambian masses are suffering from surging high cost of living, as we have celebrated Five Decades and Nine years of statehood, erratic power shrinkages, dependency, inefficient Medical Service, and a completely inappropriate approach to strategies for agriculture meeting the realities of modern Agricultural Technology, answerable to our rapid population growth. Already according to forecast, the sector has been shrinking at a complete failure since ’17:  which if revitalised with modern agricultural techniques could serve as the bread basket of the whole nation; thus shifting from importation, grow what you eat, and eat what you grow mantra! Essentially national dialogue partakes a critical sense of urgency about daunting challenges at hand, like the average unpaid Gambian farmer, disheartened whose sweat is on credit at the Seccos(groundnut centers nationwide!

 Thematic implementation substantially, the most vital and nerve-catching aspect of the whole episode requires efficient pivotal recommendations. Vibrant Educational Policy translated into Quality, Accessible, Affordable recommended implementation coercively reaping sustainable Entrepreneurial Skills for The Youths, who are the cream of any nation. Mitigating climate change, environmental Venom which has posed a threat with its devastating impacts on The Flora and Fauna; causing unprecedented Natural Calamities to The Eco-System, leading to Global Warming, is an urgent human concern of dialogue on demand unequivocally! 

All-inclusive national engagement cajoled by involvement of Kneeling Groups (traditional comedians); Media, parastatals civil society serving as detergents erasing the dirt of filth painted on our political landscape, cognoscenti of the thrown away Draft Constitution, Security, and Civil Service Reform, on our hectic and daring voyage towards Transitional Justice delivery, we are all yearning for! In summary, out of necessity considering The Geo-Political uncertainty of our troubled hostile World, Regionally, Sub-Regionally, and Internationally juxtaposed by the irony of unrelenting crisis in The Baltics, Iron Curtain Zionist “human animals” and her War Cabinet inflicting havoc on vulnerable Palestinians, making life inhabitable for Gaza propelled by conspirator West. Two-state solutions are a must, and the only path to lasting Peace in-between Palestine and Israel’s deadlock. May Allah The Almighty Azzawajal Save The Human Race! Aamiin Yarabbal Aalamiin!!!