NBR Communities Hail WB, Gov’t for GIRAV’s GRM Awareness-Raising Activities

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Communities in Jokadou and Badibou have hailed the Gambiagovernment and the World Bank (WB) for supporting the awareness-creation activities on the Grievances Redress Mechanism (GRM) being implemented by the Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (GIRAV) ahead of the implementation of nine garden projects.

As part of the projects, GIRAV is expected to install cold storage facilities in all nine gardens, build daycare centers for mothers, and facilitate market access through a good road network. The GRM approach aims to build and strengthen public awareness ofhow to handle grievances and follow due process. The project has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and encourages beneficiaries to ensure timely reporting of cases for redress.