3000 dustbins purchased at D13.8 million by BCC, GPPA procurement report reveals

By Mama A. Touray

The hearing of the ongoing Local Government Commission of Inquiry has revealed that the GPPA procurement report for Banjul City Council revealed that BCC spent D13,800,000 for 3,000 dustbins.

This report was revealed by the Director of Procurement Policy and Operations, Ebrima Sanyang, and the Director of Compliance Samba JB Tambura before the ongoing Local Government Commission of Inquiry holdings at Djembe Hotel, Senegambia.

The Commission of Inquiry discovered from the report that Form 002 did not contain any justification for restricting the bidders. And that GPPA initially declined from approving the request from BCC to use restricted tendering because there was no standard bidding document attached and there was no justification put forward.

In contrast, Lawyer Gomez told the witnesses that the same justification was not provided for in the procurement of the vehicle for the Mayor, and yet, GPPA approved that procurement, while he told the two of them that it was an inconsistency on the authority. 

He added that the authority should implement the law fully.

The report further revealed that BCC asked GPPA to shorten the bidding period from 30 days to 10 days and approve the use of restricted tendering for the procurement of 3000 dustbins.

The Commission also noted that the minutes of the Contracts Committee dated 24th of December 2018 did not provide any justifications for the use of restricted tendering.

“You are right,” Director Sanyang said, adding “There was no justification provided.”

“I did not see anywhere in the file that the concerns raised by GPPA were met. You subsequently approved the use of restricted tendering without having BCC provide you with justifications,” Patrick Gomez said.

Mr. Tambura, after reading from the file, said the justification made by BCC was that there were no dustbins in the city and the people were using nylons and other inappropriate containers.

When asked by Deputy Lead Counsel Gomez if that justification was sufficient, Director Sanyang responded “No”.

“No justification was provided for the use of a restricted tender, but you see clearly that they have targeted suppliers,” Lawyer Gomez said.

Director Tambura reacted saying, “The fact that none of the conditions of restricted tendering was me approval should not have been granted. These were red flags for mis-procurement. It is prone to corruption, and there will not be adequate checks. It is prone to misuse and the likes.”