BY: Ousainou Mbenga

In the order of the 3 B’s, the African brain; the first brain nature created have been washed, drained and locked at the treacherous services of colonialism and now neocolonialism, present day “colonialists in black faces”. This is a bold attempt to dig deeper into this contradiction of our brains to critically examine the root causes of the damaged African brain. This matter must be dealt with in its historical context, therefore the observation by the great Cheikh Anta Diop will set us on the correct path. Diop wrote: “The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect with the history of Egypt (Kemet). As Amilcar Cabral followed suit and aptly characterize it as: “Return to the source”, which is a mindful return to recapture how it all began and vigorously move forward to reverse our current relationships with the rest of the world. Flowing through this same vein of history, another African giant, George G.M James (born in Guyana, South America) in his classic book, Stolen Legacy, wrote: “Finally, the dishonesty in the movement of the publication of a Greek philosophy, becomes very glaring, when we refer to the fact, purposely that by calling the theorem of the square on the hypothenuse, Pythagoras theorem, it has concealed the truth for centuries from the world, who ought to know that the Egytians taught Pythagoras and the Greeks what mathematics they know”.

                                  MIS-EDUCATION OF “RELIGION” & “EDUCATION”.

Dismembering us from our history, our believe system and  cultural unity through abject barbarism, was the starting point of the “brainwashing”, subsequently, the braindrained and ultimately brainlocked. Once the African brain was washed and emptied of its history, knowledge of self and the invaluable contributions to the advancement of humanity in science, cosmology, nascent technology, anything and everything stolen, distorted and not originally African was forcefully stuffed into our brains. Conversely, it is worth noting that “white” people and “Arabs” have been brain -deluded into thinking that Africa is their playing ground. Any human being can be susceptible to “brainwashing” depending on the social conditions prevailing.

African civilization, the architects of advancement in world history became a symbol of envy and jealousy to all invaders. The concerted attack on Africa first by the warmongering Greeks and Romans, followed by Arabs and what ultimately became Europe, as it came out of the ravaging “Black plague” of 1347 – 1354 with its grossly twisted mind to survive that catastrophic experience at any cost, went into a rampage against Africa to this present day. To escape the ravages of the plague, drones of Europeans started venturing outside of the the disease ridden territories into Africa. The normalcy and liveliness in Africa was a strange phenomenon to the grossly twisted minds (brains) of these herd of warmongers.

The part of the world we now know as Europe links all its historical inspirations to ancient “Greek civilization”, including its languages, customs, political system and believe system. As Greek civilization was on its brink of decline, the historical inspiration it left for Europe is what made European (Greco-Roman) scholars, philosophers and historians to propound that: “What Athens was in miniature, America will be in magnitude”. Kemet, ancient Egypt had attained its magnitude way before America was conceived.

It has become almost a consensus among historians and researchers that Kemet, what we now know as Egypt was the reservior where the seekers of knowledge and spirituality came to quench their thirst. In the recorded history of the world, it was only in Kemet (Egypt) that those who attained higher levels of critical knowledge, thinking and spirituality were never considered or posed a threat to society. Thinking and reasoning were at their best. It was critical knowledge of the sciences; engineering, construction, medicine, philosophy, physics and how it relates to the social realities of the universe that the pyramids, sphinx, colossal statues and art work still exist despite desperate attempts to erase them from black history. Even the burning of libraries with books and manuals that followed the trails of this envious barbarism couldn’t erase that memory. Just as firing a canon at the Sphinx’s nose by the invading troops of Alexander The Ungrateful didn’t destroy that monumental structure.

It was only in Greek societies that philosophers and thinkers like Socrates were forced to drink poison in the form of hemlock as a death sentence for asserting philosophical thoughts that questioned the tyranny of the elite and that such thinking was sparking social consciousness among the masses. Many of the pre-Ionian philosophers and commonly known Greek philosophers at one point in their lives confessed to have studied in Kemet (Egypt). This acquired knowledge of explaining the world and Greek society were considered heresy by the ruling elite of that era. It was also in European (white) societies that women were burnt at the stake for claiming to have knowledge of the universe and its healing properties. Such barbaric treatment of women were unheard of in Africa even after we came in contact with Europeans and Arabs.

 Isn’t ironic that present day African governments, their ruling classes and impotent elites exhibit these learned behavior of being intimidated by thinkers and people who dare to question their tyrannical authority?

                                                     BRAINDRAINED AFRICA

Once the African brain was washed of its original content of historic granduer, European and Arab indoctrination took on full throttle, thus the braindrain to seek European and Arab mis-education of religion (Priests & Imams) and across the entire spectrum of bourgeoise education. This massive pursuit for degrees and titles outside of Africa blunted the cutting edge of African universities and other learning centers. Worst still, the curricula of the “educational” system are grounded in European and Arab history, believe system and culture.

The first wave of braindrain from Africa happened during the infamous and misnomered “trans Atlantic slave trade” preceeded by the equally infamous “Arab Sub-Saharan slave trade”. There was no trade in these barbaric attacks on Africa. Africa got nothing in return in this “trade” but a massive “braindrain” to Europe and Arab countries respectively. But we refuse to be held hostage by speculations of what Africa would have look like if all those mighty bodies with brains stayed and unleashed all that labor, skills and knowledge to build Africa as oppose to our “free labor” that built the world economy as it exist today. “Africans were the first stock in the stock market”.

 According to reliable studies, “77% of black doctors in the USA are Nigerians. The percentage rises when you consider other African countries to over 85% of black doctors in the US to be from Africa”. In addition, the U.K General Medical Council’s data reports that, “Nigeria has the third highest number (11,055) of foreign doctors working in the United Kingdom, following India and Pakistan”. Essential medical support professionals such as nurses, laboratory technologists, research scientists, biomedical engineering and diagnostic technicians that are Africans assuredly surpass the percentage of medical doctors in the US and UK. The braindrain of the African continent extends beyond the medical profession. Our determination is to reverse this braindrain through the African world revolution.

                                                         BRAINLOCKED AFRICA

As the old adage goes: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”, has pierce through the armored shield of colonial education that locked the African brain in a state of “false consciousness”. Colonial mis – education wasted our minds in the history and interests of the oppressor that couldn’t coexist with our freedom. This  false consciousness is what fractured our allegiance into the “unquestioned dependency” on foreign indoctrination and “aid” from European and Arab countries and increasingly China. A false consciousness bedevils the mind to degenerate to gutter level of self-hate and “learned helplessness”. A false consciousness is the breeding ground for all the backward tendencies of “tribalism” and the willful ignorance it perpetuates.

Our wretched social conditions are all explainable, they didn’t drop from the skies but were all created by the imposed colonial and neocolonial indoctrination. Gambia in particular and Africa in general have become the playing ground for unscrupulous politicians and their brainlocked voters who have also accepted the notion that “politics is a game”. Therefore, politicians play games with our lives and livelihood. Religious games, political and voting games and the mis-education system represent the primary brainlocked condition of the African masses.

Brainlocked Africans defend the economic interests of the oppressor more than the oppressor defends its economic loot. This gives the oppressor assurance that his “obidient slaves” will protect his interest never mind how far away. The “learned helplessness” that afflicts the brainlocked African is what brought about the “Whiteman’s burden theory”, the formally asserted duty of the “whiteman to the rescue” of Africans from the economic impoverishment created by colonialism and generally in natural and man made disasters. Consequently, the “learned helplessness” exposes the veins of Africa for anyone to draw blood. Everyone has an “Africa plan”: United States Africa plan, EU, China, India and even Turkey have an Africa plan. Where is our plan?


Unlocking, decolonizing and flipping the lids that cover the African brain; the first brain nature created, is the challenge of our history and must be undertaken through the African revolution. We must snatch our brains from the clutches of the oppressor locally and internationally. It is only through the African revolution that we will restore and regain our dignity.

                                                                 AFRICA MUST UNITE!