“The Tribe Must Die for The Nation to Thrive”     Samora Moses Machel

By Ousainou Mbenga

Understanding our conditions and situation in history is not enough; changing our damn conditions is the challenge of our history. Unless we are willing to unchain our brains covered with lids (“hel mu duppu”} of backward religiosity, vote for me and I set you free, mis – education and tribalism, liberation and development in our interest will remain an illusion and a continuation of humiliating leadership will forever haunt us generations to come.

With all their contradictions, more than 500 years ago, Sundiata Keita, Sumanguru Conteh, Musa Molo, Latjor Ngoneh, Maba Jahou Bah, Shaka Zuku and many other relic warriors are even more advanced than our present day “pseudo intellectuals” and the unscrupulous politicians whose survival depends on dis – uniting us based on backward ethnic and tribal affiliation to keep them in office at our never-ending misery. All these relics had one thing in common, to keep their “empires” intact and united, notwithstanding the internal contradictions.

But in contrast to the colonized and tribe –driven politicians and their educated fools, they are satisfied and feel secure within their narrow “sovereign” colonial borders in isolation with the rest of the continent.

It was in this spirit of unity that the great Modibo Keita of Mali joined Kwame Nkrumah and Sekou Ture to form the Ghana, Guinea, Mali union – “Africa’s strongest foundation”.  The Mali front of the African revolution in its recent heroic action of throwing France out of Mali cannot succeed on its own, all the fronts of the African revolution must caste our lot against this parasite France and drive them to the sea to swim back to France. AFRICA MUST UNITE!  The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Voice’s editorial stance.