Brufut Gardeners Bemoaned High Cost Of Fertilizer 

By: Sainabou Sanneh

Brufut Gardeners bemoaned the high cost of fertilizer and they sought assistance from the Gambian Government to interfere in addressing the situation as a matter of urgency.

Speaking to some of the gardeners Nanding Manneh stated that she has been gardening for years but this year the scarcity of fertilizer and the cost is too much that they use their own profit to buy seeds. We also suffer a lot from wild animals and we plead that we can have funds to fence the area as we also depend on this operation to feed our families.

She noted that water shortage in the garden is also another factor that deters our operation as we all know the crops need water to survive as we need it.  We would like to have boreholes that can help in solving the water shortage.

However, she said aside from the Government we also received a delegation that claimed to help us but since then no feedback from them.

Ebrahim A. Sanneh, the Committee Development Assistance who foresees the affairs of the women also noted the challenges the women are facing and called for support to address their situation.

He added that fertilizer really constrained them this year as women faced a lot of challenges in the garden and appealed to volunteers and the government to try and help the women by providing at least some of the necessary materials they need to help reduce poverty and interdependence.