Ex-parliamentary contender urges gov’t to invest in agriculture sector

Binta Jaiteh

Karamo Fatty, ex-parliamentary contender for Lower Fulladu under the ticket of the United Democratic Party has urged the government to invest more on the agricultural sector to end poverty rate in the country.

Speaking to The Voice, he said: “farming is the backbone of every developed country and there is lots of tools farmers lack and agriculture sector needs competent people who are well experience in terms of setting agendas that will boost our economy.”

According to him, agriculture should be well managed and all the materials that farmers need should be provided including fertilizers and farming tools.

“I have a lot of experience when it comes to rice production in the Gambia so farmers complain is my concern. Water is a something that we need talk less of the plants. The people living in the urban areas are really suffering in terms of water. Some even complain that the water used to be reddish in color . That alone is not good for the health system of human beings so I think government should try and consider the urban areas,” he added.

He went on explaining that government and Ministry of Agriculture should work hand in hand immediately to solve this issue because rice already harvested cannot be uprooted and the rice staying for two months without having water will definitely destroy the rice field and that can be a great loss to the farmers and the whole country at large.

He also complained about the price of fertilisers which is costing between D2500 and D2800 which he said is too exorbitant for farmers to afford.