Women groups task President Barrow to priortise women for support

By: Nyima Sillah

Some women’s groups have tasked President-elect Adama Barrow to give priority to the Gambian women with more supports.

Speaking to Mbassy Cham, Women Community Leader said: “We voted for president Adama Barrow because of the confidence we have in him and we believe he will come to our rescue after all the struggles we encountered in the previous years.”

“We want the president to look up to us, feel our pain and hear the issues that we are going through. To whom much is given, much is expected, we definitely expect a lot from the president elect and our hopes are high,” she said.

According to her, a lot of issues that women are going through are due to their vulnerability and the less priorities given to them in the societies, adding that the concept of olden days and the less privilege given to them is what kills the spirits of women and it is making them suffering.

Aji Yassin Saine added to the voices saying “if more women are given the opportunity to participate in decision making like in the parliament, a lot could be resolved in the issue of women.

“The time has come for women to engage in decision making, have equal rights to participate in politics and have support to advocate for women rights. All of this could happen through the support of the president and we believe he will give that prominence to the women of this country because we deserve it,” she said.

Ya Mundaw Secka, said women, especially pregnant women at the hospital should be given special treatment due to their conditions and all the necessary equipment needed should be available.

“The issue of maternal mortality should also be part of the president priorities for women because we want it to be eradicated from this country and we believe he can do it. The business sector is dominated by women but they suffer the worst due to the limited resources, capital and capacities, adding that if the business sector is boost by the government a lot of women will have a better livelihood from both rural and urban area,” she added.