Lawsuit Civil Action # 1:21-CV-11061-ADB US District Court Boston, Massachusetts

Bicentennial Lawsuit Launches On Emancipation Day September 22, 2021-Unhappy Liberians Invited To Join

Krua Files Lawsuit In Boston Federal Court To End Centuries Of Unnecessary Suffering Of Liberians At Home & Abroad

Contact: Rev. Torli H. Krua-1-857-249-9983. / Email:

On September 22, 2021, I invite Liberians suffering across the length and breadth of our native country, the United States, and worldwide to join me in challenging the status quo – Bicentennial of Liberia-200 years of suffering not by accident but by design. I have filed a lawsuit in the Federal Court in Boston, Massachusetts to demand an end to the unnecessary suffering, demand payment of damages for racial discrimination, and demand regeneration and rebirth of a new nation designed to empower the people, not the politicians. As we contemplate a fresh start and new beginning an appropriate starting point is a commemoration of the Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Abraham Lincoln to some free slaves in the United States. On September 22, 1862, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that slaves in the Confederacy “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”  In 2021, we must demand an end to the lies, deception, and corruption in Liberia, a colony established to enrich and empower politicians by the United States and American slave masters.

The greatest deception in Liberia is the idea that the election of politicians to serve as captain of a corrupt and broken system designed to enrich and empower politicians will yield development. If our desire is to reach for the stars, then 200 years of argument over the qualifications of a truck driver (politicians) when all we have is a broken truck designed to ply dusty roads with manufacturing defects surely will get us nowhere. It’s time for the rebirth of a new nation with a new constitution designed by the people to empower the people, not the politicians, and guarantee security, justice, and equal opportunities.

The Author

The refund of millions of dollars with interest by the United States Embassy to thousands of Liberians unlawfully exploited in the “non-refundable” visa scheme is the beginning of the rebirth of justice and equal opportunities for all. If our top public servants and their family members with American Citizenship and green cards enjoy privileges in America and American citizens also enjoy privileges in Liberia, why are ordinary Liberians suffering in Liberia and in the United States? There is time for everything. The 200th anniversary or Bicentennial is the most appropriate time for the Emancipation of Liberia!

As a Liberian-American, I write to respond to the United States Ambassador McCarthy’s Independence Day message to Liberia in which Ambassador McCarthy wrote. “It is my absolute pleasure to congratulate all Liberians on your 174th Independence Day.”. Firstly, I wish to thank Ambassador McCarthy for taking the time to send what he believes is a friendly message to the Liberian People on Liberia’s “174th birthday celebration”. However, if the truth was to be told, most Liberians don’t share Ambassador McCarthy’s “Absolute Pleasure…” because of three reasons: Firstly, Liberia is neither independent-politically, economically, or culturally. Secondly, Liberia is not 174 years old-it’s 200 years old and Finally, most Liberian citizens crushed under poverty are not celebrating with “absolute pleasure” like the American Ambassador. In fact, no poor Liberian shares the Ambassador’s assessment that Liberia and the United States are “vibrant democracies”.

In Matthew 12:33, the Bible is clear, “A good tree cannot bear corrupt fruits and a corrupt tree cannot bear good fruits. a tree is known by its fruits.”The United States is a democracy because it was envisioned, designed, and created to be a democracy-a government of the people by the people and for the people! Liberia, on the other hand, is not a democracy, let alone a vibrant democracy because it was not envisioned, designed, and created by the people and for the benefit of the people! Liberia was envisioned, designed, and created not by “freed American Slaves” or the people of Liberia, rather, Liberia was envisioned in America, designed in America, and created in America-by an act of the US Congress (March 3, 1819)-with American taxes and the force of the US Navy to fulfill American domestic and foreign policy objectives and the dreams of American slave masters led by President James Monroe, a slave master, who didn’t free his slave when he was helping to create Liberia. In fact, in 1826, two years after the name of the capital of the colony of Liberia was changed to honor the American president and ruthless slave master, two of Monroe’s slaves, George and Phoebe ran away to freedom.

President Monroe took a newspaper advertisement, offering a reward of $10 to anyone who captures and returns his runaway slaves. I was born in Liberia and I have not seen a single monument or place in Liberia named in honor of any of the leading abolitionists who fought and die to end slavery. What we honor in Liberia is the legacy of white men who owned slaves and never freed their slaves and people who belied white people are superior; Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court and slave master who owned 100 slaves and never freed a single slave-Bushrod Washington is honored with Bushrod Island, President of the United States and slave master who ordered the capture of his runaway slave and live in the White House with his slaves-James Monroe-is honored with the name of our capital city, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court After more than 200 years of its creation, Liberia continues to bear the fruits of corruption, deception and unnecessary suffering because “you reap what you sow.” Liberia needs regeneration and rebirth as a new authentic African nation, with symbols, names, values that reflect the people in the country. Harper, Buchanan, Clay-Ashland, and Marshall Territory…

According to Paul Finkelman, President of and a history professor at Gratz College, author or editor of more than 50 books, most recently Supreme Injustice: Slavery in the Nation’s Highest Court, “Chief Justice Marshall not only owned people; he owned many of them—certainly more than 300—across the years of his life.  Marshall did not inherit enslaved people; he aggressively bought them when he could. Whether buying young children, or a mother and one of her children, or selling them to raise cash, he paid little attention to the enslaved families he destroyed in his lifelong quest for more human property.”

Mr. Ambassador, I would like to inform you, a public servant, of the good news and bad news relative to Liberia-USA ties that have been shrouded in secrecy from American taxpayers and Liberian citizens for over two hundred years of Liberia’s existence. Again, Mr. Ambassador, Liberia is 200 years old, not 174 years. Furthermore, Liberia was not founded by “freed slaves from the United States.” In fact, Liberia was created in the United States,  by the United States Congress, and for the USA policy agenda. This happened on March 3, 1819, for the benefit of a group of influential corrupt high ranking US Government officials who were all slave masters with one thing in common-they were not in the business of freeing their slaves.

Let’s start with the good news. American taxpayers and poor Liberian citizens have been suffering, living, and dying together in good faith for centuries. I thank the people of the United States for their support and solidarity with Liberia, evidenced by the work of honest American missionaries, selfless Peace Corps Volunteers, dedicated health workers, patriotic members of the armed services, and many others. I also take this time to recognize citizens of the United States who died in Liberia while serving the Liberian people, including missionaries Tom Jackson of the  Liberia Inland Church, Jake of the Baptist Mid Missions, the five American Catholic Nuns massacred in Liberia along with over 250,000 Liberians who lost their lives during the brutal Liberian Civil War.

Here’s the bad news. Documents from the Library of Congress and the archives of the United States Navy clearly show that the governments of the United States of America and the Government of the former American Colony of Liberia have dealt deceptively and continue to hide the truth from citizens of both the United States and Liberia. In fact, a lawsuit has been filed against the United States Congress and the US State Department at the Federal District Court of Boston, Massachusetts contradicting the rosy 174th Independence Day messages from your Excellency, Ambassador McCarthy, President Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blenkin’s about the relationship between Liberia and the United States.

According to President Biden’s 174th independence Day message to the Liberian People, “The United States-Liberia relationship is unique and one of our oldest, and the American and Liberian people share many of the same values, including upholding democracy, respect for human rights, and pursuit of economic prosperity…”  The Government of the United States’ own data and published reports contradict President Biden’s assessment. Two hundred thirty-one (231) years ago, on March 26, 1790, the United States Congress, dominated by white supremacists and slave masters, envisioned, conceived, weaponized, and unleashed the very first Apartheid law in modern history, to cause harm and inflict racial violence against a significant population of nonwhite Americans. The law made the color of a person’s skin the requirement for citizenship. Signed into law by President George Washington, a slave master who owned hundreds of slaves and never freed a single slave in his entire lifetime, the law immediately began inflicting pain, harm, and racial violence against a significant population of Americans and also initiated racial division, destined to hasten the demise of the United States. Since then,   Congress has passed hundreds of legislations to protect animals, attack foreign dictators, and even declared wars that claimed the lives of thousands of Americans. However, Congress has never once acted to mitigate the harm it unleashed in the United States.

For over 231 years since March 26, 1790, when Congress passed a law that harmed a significant population of Americans of color, Congress has passed hundreds of legislations to protect animals, attack foreign dictators, and even declared wars that claimed the lives of thousands of Americans. However, Congress has never once acted to mitigate the harm it unleashed in the United States against Americans because of their complexion, without justifications.

There are many reasons why I am passionate about mitigating the harm of official racism responsible for the discrimination and exploitation of poor Liberian visa applicants and Liberian refugees languishing across America without access to humanitarian assistance and permits to work in a deadly pandemic. I have a two years old daughter and a ten years old son. Both of them are Americans and both are Black. Mr. Ambassador, the future of my Boston-born privileged children, poor Liberians, and the future of the American republic are intertwined with a single cord of justice that demands that President Joe Biden and the 117th Congress which was attacked by a violent mob of white supremacists on January 6, 2021, mitigate the ongoing harm or risk of officially sanctioned racism and racial division that are accelerating the demise of the United States. “United we stand. Divided we fall.”

Unlike the Congress of 1790 that was dominated by slave masters and white supremacists, the 117th Congress is composed of descendants of slaves, prisoners, religiously persecuted foreigners, refugees from countries worldwide. This class of leaders must take immediate action to mitigate ongoing harm envisioned, conceived, weaponized, and unleashed by dead white supremacists. Unless the official action of members of Congress who are dead slave masters and white supremacists is reversed by a law that aims specifically to mitigate the ongoing harm, unmitigated officially sanctioned racism will hasten the demise of the United States. America may implode.

However, since Congress acted to create and introduce officially sanctioned racism in America on March 26, 1790, there has been no law passed by Congress to mitigate the harm that the US Congress inflicted and continues to inflict on nonwhite Americans because of the original racist act of Congress. Even when Congress took actions to end racial discrimination, those actions were at best, woefully inadequate as stated by an American history professor. “If we look at key moments – the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, the 13th Amendment in 1865, the history of convict-leasing of formerly enslaved people from the end of the Civil War until the start of World War II, not to mention the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – we can see that the liberation of 1865 was a botched emancipation.”  Professor Monti Datta-University of Richmond. Fast-forward to 2021, and an African refugee whose innocent life as a child was scared and ravaged in a Liberian village and at the US Embassy in Monrovia by racism and racial violence perpetrated by American missionaries of the Cleveland-Ohio-based Baptist Mid Missions and US Embassy staffers is filing a lawsuit seeking a Federal Court order for the followings:

  1. The US Congress to enact legislation to specifically mitigate the harm it unleashed against the plaintiff, Rev. Krua, Liberians, and nonwhite Americans on March 26, 1790,
  2. The US State Department declassified the racially discriminatory cable that ordered Embassy staffers to discriminate against the plaintiff, Rev. Krua in 1990 at the US Embassy, Monrovia because of his race and nationality. Only a Federal Court Order can compel the US Embassy to refund millions of dollars unlawfully collected from all Liberian visa applicants with interest and restore Article 1 of the 1824 Constitution “All persons born in Liberia are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by American citizens.”
  3. The respected Christian organization, EGC to repay stolen wages and resolve unlawful discrimination against Rev. Krua for years.
  4. The secrecy of the unlawful American Colonization for ethnic cleansing of America has created and sustained harm against Liberians in more ways than one when American taxpayers unwittingly incentivize the corruption in Liberia led by unscrutinized Americans in the Liberian Government.


Budgets, Salaries & Benefits Liberia / $535.4 M The United States of America $4.79 trillion
President $3,943,030.00


$400,000.00  Salary Yearly
Vice President $2,431,003.00


$230,700.00  Salary Yearly
Speaker Of the House $1,000,370.00


$223,500.00  Salary Yearly
Pro Tempore $1,369,423.00


$193,400.00  Salary Yearly
Senators $180,000.00 $174,000.00  Salary Yearly

Contrary to what the government of the United States claims, Liberia was not founded by freed American slaves. Liberia was created as an American colony by an Act of the U.S. Congress on March 3, 1819. The act appropriated $100,000.00 of American taxes, which was unlawfully used to fund colonization, authorized the use of the United States Navy to enforce the racist American colonization, and for the benefit of American slave owners who desired to strengthen the institution of slavery in the United States. In the words of the American Slave Masters who founded Liberia in partnership with the US Congress, “…the colonization of the free people of color, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society (ACS) hope to attain…” “… to get rid of a useless and pernicious, if not dangerous, portion of our population.”Speaker At Congress: Henry Clay

  1. Ten (10) presidents of Liberia were African Americans. The Liberian flag is American, red, white, and blue with one white star. Liberia’s currency is the U.S. Dollar. As a U. S. colony,  Article 1 of the Liberian Constitution of 1824 gave all Liberians equal rights as Americans; “All persons born …in Liberia, shall be free and entitled to all the privileges, as are enjoyed by the citizens of the United States.”
  2. Even so, in 2021, Liberia is the fourth-worst visa refusal country in the world, next to Cuba, Afghanistan, and Mauritania, to be granted visas to the U.S. According to the Bush Chicken News (, the U.S. Embassy in Liberia denied 70% of visa applicants in 2017 and made US$1.79 million from poor Liberians.
  3. The 102nd (1991-1992) Congress passed a law that allowed 52,968 Chinese nationals to get permanent residency status. The 105th Congress (1997-1998) passed legislation known as NACARA. Under this law, 150,000 Nicaraguans, 5,000 Cubans, 200,000 El Salvadorans, and 50,000 Guatemalans get permanent residency status. The Liberian Refugee fairness Act was passed on December 20, 2019. Unemployed Liberian Refugees must pay filing fees of $1250.00-under section 245(i) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act, refugees are exempt from paying filing fees for green cards.
  4. At the same time, 22 million citizens from 39 countries are allowed into the USA without a visa yearly. Not a single African country is included in the visa waiver countries. Top Liberian politicians are all American citizens or American persons with green cards. They earn excessive salaries and benefits higher than the salaries of American politicians. American taxpayers are incentivizing endemic corruption in Liberia while reinforcing 200 years of racism.

Ambassador McCarthy’s closing paragraph included the words of Secretary of State Blinken: “The United States proudly stands with our Liberian partners as you celebrate Independence Day. We remain committed to our partnership with Liberia as it strives to strengthen democratic principles and enhance economic growth and investment.”  While American citizens and American persons with permanent residency preside over the corrupt American colony, earning salaries and benefits higher than the richest country on Earth, building mansions, and depositing millions in American banks, the US Embassy is also extorting millions from poor Liberians through “non-refundable visa fees”. Meanwhile, all the American citizens and green card holders who plotted the Liberian civil war have become millionaires overnight yet 6,000 Liberian Refugees continue to be denied access to humanitarian assistance and permits to work.

Ambassador McCarthy ended by calling on about 6,000 Liberian refugees in the United States still suffering and dying from 231 years of unmitigated racially sanctioned racism and tens of thousands of Liberians who have been exploited by the US Embassy in Monrovia in millions of dollars yearly to the unthinkable three words:

Enjoy the day! Enjoy the day? With death sentences on 6000 Liberian Refugees unprotected in the fires of summer and snowstorms of winter, when the Liberian warlords enjoy the comfort of America and Liberian government benefits, are celebrities making millions of dollars? When the salaries of the poverty-stricken American colony ruled by many American citizens and American persons with green cards are higher than American public servants? “Enjoy the day” when American taxpayers unwittingly incentivize corrupt politicians who are not subject to American tax laws and the regulations of the US Treasury? My name is Torli H. Krua and I call on all Liberians and Americans not enjoying the day of deception and corruption to join me in ending the unnecessary suffering by supporting our lawsuit to demand a refund with interest the millions of dollars unlawfully taken from Liberians by the US Embassy and the millions of Liberian taxes taken by politicians running the Liberian Government which was designed, branded and created in the United States of America to enrich and empower politicians.

I call on all Liberians to sign up and join my lawsuit to demand mitigation of the harm of officially sanctioned racism perpetrated by the Congress of the United States against Liberians, African Americans, and Native Americans.

On search for the Free Liberia Movement

The flag does not belong to Liberia. Liberia is not independent politically because Washington controls Liberian politicians. All the top opposition politicians are American citizens or American persons with permanent residency or green cards. All the top independent politicians are all American citizens or American persons with permanent residency or green cards. All the top ruling party politicians are all American citizens or American persons with permanent residency or green cards. The name Liberia was given by slave masters as bait to lure Blacks away from America. The Name Monrovia was not given by white supremacists. James Monroe was president of the United States who owned slaves and never freed a single slave in his entire life. How can an independent African country not have a single monument in honor of leading abolitionists and freedom fighters? In Monrovia, we honor the legacy of a brutal slave master and American president James Monroe. Bushrod Island honors the memory of Bushrod Washington, associate justice of the US Supreme Court, and another brutal slave master who never freed any of his slaves in his lifetime. Liberia is not free politically, economically, and culturally. When the British Colony of Gold Coast gained its independence, it was the Africans, not the colonial masters who named their new country Ghana.

That is independence! When Rhodesia, a British colony named in honor of the British white supremacist and imperialist became independent, it was the Africans, not the British who named their new country Zimbabwe and its capital was changed from Salisbury which honored the British Prime Minister at the time of colonization to Harare was chosen to honor a black tribal chief when white settlers arrived. It’s natural law-you reap what you sow. Liberia cannot become a democracy because it was created by the Government of the United States, not Africans. Democracy is a government of the people by the people and for the people. Liberia is not a republic. A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. The real power in Liberia is held by Washington and Liberian politicians who are actually American citizens. Liberia is not a country, it’s a hustleground and Fishtown where politicians and their international partners scramble for natural resources to empower and enrich themselves, not the people. I call Liberia Fishtown because the politicians and international partners are fishermen who claim they are in town to feed the population. Those who swallow the bait end up on the dinner table. Liberia is like a butterball seed. If you sow a butterball seed, it germinates and bears butterballs today, tomorrow, and forever. If you desire a different fruit, sow a different seed. Matt 12:33 “A good tree cannot bear corrupt fruits either can a corrupt tree bear good fruits. A tree is known by its fruits.” Corruption in Liberia started in America. The government was designed to enrich and empower politicians. It’s a systemic problem. Don’t let anyone fool you unless we change the system, the butterballs will continue to bear bitter balls fruits forever!