UDP Lost Case Against Sheriffo Sonko

The Gambia Supreme Court in Banjul Thursday ruled in favour of Brikama Area Council chairman Sheriffo Sonko in long-running legal battle he had with the United Democratic Party.(UDP)

UDP in March 2020 fired Sonko alongside two councillors in West Coast Region from the party after they were found to be ‘non-compliant’ with the rules of the party.

UDP had argued that Sonko automatically lost his position as Brikama Area Council chairman, relying on a local government law which says an elected local government official automatically loses his elected role when his party sacks him.

Mr Sonko refused to vacate the seat and the party later took the IEC to the high court for the electoral body to conduct by-elections. The case was later forwarded to the Supreme Court.

The court judges ruled on Thursday that “he [Sheriffo] cannot lose his seat as the Chairman of Brikama Area Council [BAC].”

UDP spokesman Almamy Taal said the Supreme Court is now saying the law the party relied on is unconstitutional.

It means there will be no by-election and Sonko will now keep his job as chairman of Brikama Area Council.