Business to Business Meeting with She Trades Companies:

By Sarjo Camara Singateh

SheTrades in collaboration with Gambia Women’s Chamber of Commerce (GWCC) organized a Business-to-Business Meeting for Shetrades Companies who are in Fashion and Horticulture recently at the GTMI Hall.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Gambia Chamber of Commerce, Beatrice Mboge said 27 SheTrades Members participated in the event and each Business was linked to another Business; she further stated that Ecommerce platforms, Pronto, Insist Global and Sellox, made presentation about their product and services. Most of the SheTrades companies were on boarded onto these platforms

She noted that businesses like Natures Gift Care and Maiyamuna were linked with Banjul Pharmacy and their products are currently in the laboratory for testing before orders would be placed.

According to Dhajoh Store owned by Mrs. Khaddijatou Ngum identified most of the participant’s to supply their products to her shop which was due to open February. She also awarded a contract to Business OOTD a SheTrades member to show the uniform of her staff.

However, the Business-to-Business Meetings (B2B) are still ongoing and GWCC is continuing the Business linkages according to Maimuna Sanyang a Business developer at the Gambia Women Chamber of Commerce.