Police Crackdown on Drivers Defying Public Health Emergency Rules

By Landing Colley

Police on Monday cracked down on some of the commercial drivers that were not complying with the transportation new rules as announced by President of The Gambia during his Friday Telecast on the national television.

The new rule, which is one of the precautionary measures attains by the government of The Gambia to prevent the spread and contact of the coronavirus pandemic tasked drivers to transport half of their normal vehicles capacity (passengers). This is an attempt to contain the pandemic which the country already have four cases.

Some of the drivers on Monday used this as an avenue to increased fares.

Meanwhile, police have mount checkpoints within the Greater Banjul Area aims to ensure drivers comply with the rules put in place.

But the situation has put passengers in difficulty as they are paying doubel fares as well as facing scarcity of vehicles.