Awful – Passengers complain of carousel at Airport

By Yunus S Saliu

It was a total dismay as passengers arrived at the Banjul International Airport are complaining of being delayed especially these days when four to five flights are landing at the airport. Their complaints are as a result of bad condition of one of the carousels at the Airport.

Scramble around the only functioning carousel, some of the visitors especially the repeater tourists are looking indignant while the tour operators’ staff are not always happy to see their clients delayed at the arrival hall.

The condition of the carousel at the Banjul International Airport started sometimes ago and up to date it is still not repaired and that is causing a nightmare especially on the day that there is a simultaneous landing of flight in this pick season.

A tour operator staff lamented that it is understandable when a facility is not in a good condition but it becomes issue when the concerned authority don’t take appropriate action to remedy the situation, especially at the only airport for that matter.

Cornwall, a repeater tourist to destination Gambia, said that “something needs to be done about the Banjul International Airport, every season there is something to complain about, and in 2017 it was scanning machine, now a carousel.”