GAPHO Commences Weeklong Awareness Program

By Adama Makasuba

Association of Gambian public health workers-dubbed Gambia Association of Public Health Officers (GAHO) Monday commenced observing a weeklong awareness program to creating greater awareness on the functions, achievements, prospects and challenges.

It aimed to raise responsiveness on the functions of public health and create greater visibility on its achievements and to discussing the challenges of its system to making it more effective and responsive to the need of Gambians.

Officials said they GAHO would produce a comprehensive report and recommendations and share it with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other stakeholders at the end of the celebration.

The events is expected to attract a number of health officials, private citizens and members of the nongovernmental organization (TANGO) which would coincide with health sporting-football and volleyball and symposium at the American University.

“Our focus is on prevention and prolonging life,” Balla Musa Joof, president of GAHO told journalists at a press conference held the offices of National Malaria Control Program held at the offices of National Malaria Control Program.

Enumerating the achievements of the association so far, Mr. Joof said they support member association whom are deceased, ensuring quality training for their members, and awarding scholarships for members, and support rehabilitating School of Public Health of the Gambia College among others.

Representing the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, acting director of health promotion and education, Sanjally Trawally commended the association for the goodwill job they rendering to the people of the country and challenged people to holdfast physical activities and the diet to consume in order to remain healthy.