GRA, UNDP Commence Developing Customs Educational materials

The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) with financial support from the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) on Monday commenced a three days event to develop customs educational materials.

The training brought participants from the customs, another various units under the Gambia Revenue Authority held at the Senegambia Beach Hotel.

Joseph Njie, deputy commissioner technical support and monetary under customs said the training is gear to better informs the public of GRA work and responsibility.

“Coming up with this educational material or, the brochures will go a long way in helping us to do our work and sensitize the public on the mandates and role and responsibilities of GRA,” he said.

He commended the UNDP for this training seminar and hope that at the end of the three days, they will be able to gathered tangible information that GRA can use as a working tool.

For his part Mr. Yayha Manneh Deputy Director Policy, Planning and Research at the  GRA, said this activity, is meant to develop information brochure, on customs administration.

He added that the objective is to have dash of the entire brochure, and those arrears that concern the authority.

Nuha Nyassi, the project coordinator at the UNDP, expressed sincere appreciation on behalf of the coordination unit under the ministry of finance and economy affairs that handle and manage this project. He said by extension UNDP Gambia country office.

He said this activity is part of series of activities earmarked under the UNDP project and support by UNDP that seek to support national institution  in Economy planning basic and budgeting.

Malamin Sanyang, Director of technical services at GRA commended the UNDP for supporting these activities through the ministry of finance.


He said this is a rear opportunity to have this kind of forum, from domestic tax today. He urged the participants to make the best user of the forum as it is very important information.

Author:  Sulayman Waan