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National Youth Parliament inaugurates new office space

By Mustapha Jarju

National Youth Parliament-The Gambia (NYP), on Thursday, 15th June 2023 inaugurated its new office space located in Kanifing and characterised by the celebration of their achievements.  

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the Executive Director of the National Youth Council (NYC), Alagie Jarjue expressed delight saying gradually most of the youth in this country are now having full-time responsibilities, and the “NYP is now working towards sustaining the plight of young people in this country.”

He reflected on the past meeting he had with the team a few years back where he appealed to the committee on the importance of bringing the parliament back to its glory days.

He said the new NYP office launched is a good one that will provide confidence and respect between NYP and relevant partners, because NYP is no longer where it was and mean more business at this point.

Omar Cham, the Speaker of the National Youth Parliament giving his inaugural speech said the reformation of the NYP office doesn’t come overnight but was started far back in 2021 with the executive of 5 who sat and concluded that the operation of NYP is needed.

“The expansion of our mandate, the realization of how much change was needed to make the young people better to reposition ourselves as the leading youth organization creating the required platform for young people`s processes,” he explained.

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