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ChildFund embarks on nationwide site visit

By: Nyima Sillah

In their quest to promote early childhood development programs across the country, ChildFund The Gambia on Monday embarked on a nationwide site visit to UNICEF-funded project areas.

 The UNICEF-funded project implemented by ChildFund was initiated to promote early childhood development programs through the implementation of Recreation grounds in communities and schools.

 ChildFund is not only in the West Coast Region, but across the whole country, and it ensures that all its funded projects are serving the intended purpose of ensuring children are given a great start in life through positive parenting and ensuring they enjoy safe and secure playgrounds.

On its first point of the visit, Alda Preparatory Nursery school, Almamy Fatty, ChildFund Facilitator Kerewan, North Bank Region highlighted the importance of the project saying the playing ground is the first of its kind in their community and has impacted the livelihoods of children.

“Because of the playground, kids interact, have fun, and meet new friends. The place is also a safe playground for children.”

However, Fatty added since the implementation of the project, several women groups targeted for training on the operation and sustainability of the materials expressed appreciation for the support rendered by ChildFund and looking forward to more of this type of project in their communities.

Meanwhile, he said the Main challenges they face in the playing ground is the security of the materials as they are at their disposal, and older children might abuse the materials. He added that they need someone to be monitoring the place for the safety of children and protection of the materials continuously.

Amos Akinwumi, a teacher and part of co-founder Alda Preparatory Nursery School said “the materials are very useful to the kids. They use it in the morning and during break time.”

Mr. Akinwumi, Noted that the playing ground has motivated and encouraged a lot of kids to come to school.

On her part, Janding Jawara, the Project Facilitator explained that they were trained on how kids should use the materials, the operation of the materials, and the age bracket of the kids which is between 3-6 years.

She pointed out that the recreation grounds should be well-equipped for the protection of kids from injuries and other related issues. “When we started new, some of the materials got spoiled but the VDC contributed to renovating it.”

The team also visited Central River Region North, Awa Sey, Child Fund Facilitator, in CRR Njoben Wollof village, welcomed the ChildFund implemented project in their village, saying, it has a positive impact on the children.

“This is the first time we have such materials in our community and it has helped the kids as they always come together and have fun,” she said.

 Part of the challenges she outlined is a perimeter fence in the recreation center, and other playing materials to be able to accommodate more children.

Moreover, Haddy Chax, a parent in that community said, “Our kids don’t have a playing ground but now they have a place to play. They used to go out to other villages to play but the project has assisted us in assembling the kids within the community.”

 The kid beneficiary, Haddy, happily expressed delight at how this project benefited her saying she joins other kids every day at the center to have fun without any problem.   Later, the team further proceeded to Nyakoi Tukulor and Fitfu Fula in CRR North for a similar site visit where the community members expressed heartfelt gratitude to ChildFund and UNICEF for the life-changing project in their communities, and assured them of proper care of the center for the benefit of their children.

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