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TRC has No Mandate to sanction any Football Training without GFF Blessing – Babucarr Camara

Babucarr Camara, the Communication Director of the Gambia Football Federation (GFF) has clarified that the Team Restore Confidence (TRC) led by Sadibou Kamaso, the recently defeated candidate in Gambia Football Federation (GFF) Presidential race has no mandate to sanction any football training program for members of the federation without the approval and blessings of the GFF.

He remarked in an exclusive interview with The Voice Newspaper barely 24 hours after TRC issued a statement alleging that Gambia Football Federation (GFF) has barred Club General Secretaries from partaking in a training organised by the movement.

TRC also alleged that the barring of Club General Secretaries from participating in the training is meant to keep the club representatives in continuous darkest regarding the running and management of clubs. He said that GFF should rather concentrate on its roles and responsibilities of promotion and development of football in the country rather than engaging in political bigotry. “For a start, the GFF leadership isn’t a vindictive group and we cannot imagine ourselves beginning to start that today.

“For clarity, once more, and for the benefit of the masses, especially the stakeholders, it is important to make some clarification here to understand our point of view,” Babucarr Camara, GFF Communication Chief called the attention of football stakeholders and the public

He continued: “Our point is that as the competent body responsible for running football in The Gambia, any such training on behalf of our members must be sanctioned by a such competent authority. In this case, CAF or FIFA and be implemented by the GFF or a GFF-authorised body or individual. The GFF is the legal head of football in the country and must sanction any training related to football concerning her members.”

The GFF Communication Chief argued that each capacity building has consequences hence its purpose must be anchored on the implementation of the knowledge gained into action, questioning whether TRC has the technical or legal competence to conduct any form of training for members of GFF.

“Who are these trainers? What competence do they have to train our members and what is the training module? It’s just like when the Gambia National Olympic Committee or the GFF wants to organise a national basketball championship without prior consultation with the national association. Or when the GFF wants to train reporters about journalism,” GFF Communication Director observed.

He added: “They’ve to accept the fact that Kaba is the president of the GFF and until Allah decides otherwise that’ll be the case until September 2026. So if you don’t want to accept that fact then you’ll have trouble with us.”

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