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 Justice Tabally Ordered ex-Clerk to produce case file

By Nicholas Bass

Justice Sherriff B. Tabally has, on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 ordered Joackim Jatta, the ex-clerk of the Foni Binta Karani District Tribunal to produce the case file of Karamo Beyai versus Saro Tamba for smooth commencement of the pretrial at the Brikama High Court.

At the beginning of the hearing, Counsel Lamin B. Jorbateh appearing for the applicant, Karamo Beyai told the court that, his client’s case has suffered several set-back due to Joackim Jatta’s failure in bringing the records of the proceedings of the said case from Foni Binta Karani District Tribunal to the court for the pretrial of his client’s case before Justice Sherriff B. Tabally of Brikama High Court.

He went on to say that the ex-clerk of Foni Karani District, Joackim Jatta on the 28th of March 2022 disobeyed the order of the court by failing to produce the file in the court proceedings of his client, Karamo Beyai.

Joackim Jatta presented a duplicate copy of the land case proceedings of Karamo Beyai versus Saro Tamba from the FoniKarani District Tribunal to the court but it was rejected, for it was untidy and it does not bear the Chief’s seal of authority.

However, Joackim Jatta pleaded to the court to give him a longer period that would enable him to pick up the said case file of Karamo Beyai from the said District Tribunal, noting that he is always busy at Kombo South District Tribunal.

At this juncture, Justice Sherrif B. Tabally ordered Joackim Jatta to bring the case file of the proceedings of the case of Karamo Beyai from Foni Karani District Tribunal before adjourning the case to the 1st December 2022 at 11:00 am for pretrial.

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