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MoH, partners to embark on National Integrated Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign

The Ministry of Health has announced its readiness to embark on the National Integrated Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign today Tuesday..

The statement as released by the Ministry of Health over the weekend read “As part of the measles elimination strategy, the Ministry of Health with support from partners such as, GAVI, WHO, UNICEF and CDC will embark on a national Integrated Measles- rubella vaccination campaign scheduled for 18th to 23rd October, 2022.

The vaccination targets 341,446 children aged 9-59 months old across the country. In addition, children aged 6-59 months will be supplemented with vitamin A and de-worming tablets. During this period, the Ministry of health will also seize the opportunity to vaccinate children who missed their routine vaccines. Therefore, all parents are encouraged to come with their children’s infant welfare cards to the vaccination centres.

Vaccination teams and social mobilizers will be fixed at Community Bantabas, Day Care Centres, Nursery Schools, Markets, Ferry Crossing Points, Health Centres and in strategic locations in the communities to vaccinate all eligible children.

Vaccinating children with Measles-Rubella Vaccine is a proven strategy to break the chain of transmission of the virus among the population. The vaccine in use is safe and effective as proven by WHO and partners. Therefore, vaccination remains a top priority in the Ministry of Health’s agenda, thus all children under the age of five years must be vaccinated for the country to eliminate Measles and Rubella.

In this regard, The Ministry of Health would like to appeal to all families and caregivers, community and religious leaders to ensure that eligible children are vaccinated. Therefore, the continuous support and cooperation of the public is herewith solicited. “Do not miss out. Immunisation saves live”. For further information regarding the campaign, please call the toll-free number 1025.

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