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Top gov’t officials embark on fact-finding tour amid farmers complaints

Senior government officials led by Muhammad Njie, Managing Director of National Food Security Processing and Marketing Corporation have embarked on a fact-finding tour to rural Gambia amid farmers complaints.

The delegation included Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Amie Fabureh and Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Honorable Mambury Njie.

Muhammad Njie, Managing Director of National Food Security Processing and Marketing Corporation told farmers in Mamour Fana that: “We are here to gain first-hand information on status of the trade season particularly to record the progress made and provide solutions for the challenges established. We want to remind you that GGC is your GGC and together we can make it bigger and better.”

“We are here on this joint visit with the Ministry of Agriculture and Finance and this clearly demonstrates the importance the government of the Gambia attaches to the welfare of farmers particularly the groundnut sector which is an important cash crop for the economy of the country. Truly, for the past two years GGC has been doing a great job and we are all delighted. We are here too on this tour to gain first-hand information on the trade season and we come in Peace,” he added

“We received information from some other sources that the SECCO is not operating to their satisfaction and there were credit buying, so we want to hear from you. As I said earlier, we are here to clarify and get first-hand information because you guys are on the ground. The Minister of Agriculture on the other hand heaped praises on the Ministry of Finance,” Njie said.

He thanked the ministry of finance for the continued support they have been rendering. They have helped us a lot to secure the financing for the trade season.

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